What separates unarmed guards from armed? Why should you choose security agents equipped with firearms?
This is why guns matter.
One of the first and most pressing questions any client will face when considering appropriate security and protective services is whether or not to select armed guards. Why are firearms necessary? What are the differences between armed and unarmed guards, and how does one calculate their associated costs and benefits?
A powerful reason to choose armed guards is a single, profound fact: guns save lives. The topic is heavy, and it can be unpleasant to dwell on, as the prospect of violence and death in our own environment is distressing, and our instinct is to avoid it altogether. But consider that in many incidents involving armed assailants, the presence of defensive firearms frequently changes the dynamic quite substantially, and can often reduce fatalities and sometimes even eliminate them. This fact is often overlooked or minimized by sensationalized or biased incident reporting, which usually focuses on the shock of negative events, and will frequently favor a perspective that portrays all firearms as undesirable. However, if you look deeper past the headlines and editorializing, the evidence is plain that properly trained individuals equipped with firearms are a life-preserving asset to both security operations and the safety of communities. CDC research clearly shows there are several million defensive gun usages (DGU) each year, and in fact, they outpace offensive usages. Many of these defensive usages save not only the life of the user but of other innocent lives nearby.
A large percentage of gun deaths are related to accidents and suicide, so adequate user training and proper locking and storage are extremely important for reducing fatalities. There is also a common correlation between the success of a defensive firearm user and their training background, so this experience cannot be overemphasized. Choose armed guards for your security needs, and insist they are thoroughly and competently trained. An elite private security and protective services firm will provide nothing less.
FPA is looking for highly motivated & qualified professionals to join its ranks. If you are a dedicated security professional or investigator and if you are ready for commitment, speak to one of our recruiters today!
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